Our courses


Classes run on Monday evenings at the Kiln, St Georges Rd, Badshot Lea, Farnham GU9 9LY. The next term is Monday 9th September to Monday 18th November (10 weeks, no classes on 28th October for school holidays) at a cost of £80. All sessions are indoors and there will be a maximum of 8 spaces in each class. We ask that only one handler works the dog at a time although we welcome a second handler (members only) to observe the class from the stage. Overall we aim to ensure your dog becomes a happy, reliable companion that is a pleasure to live with. We do not teach obedience to competition standards.

For those that are not already members of the Farnham Dog Training Society please note that in addition to the course fee each handler is required to pay the £5 annual society membership fee (January to December) for insurance purposes. If you intend to swap handlers at any point in the course (planned or unplanned!), both handlers must have paid their £5 membership in order to be covered by the club's insurance. 

We insist that dogs have completed their first full vaccination programme at least 2 weeks before joining. On the first night you will need to bring with you:

Your dog’s vaccination record

Poo bags

Small treats


There will be a 45 minute session at 5.30pm aimed at young dogs/puppies aged between 14 weeks and 9 months that are new to obedience training. An opportunity will be given to participate in the Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Scheme.

Novice (working towards Kennel Club Good Citizens Bronze award)

There will be 45 minute sessions starting at 6.15pm and 7.15pm for dogs 10 months or older that are new to obedience training or need further help. At the end of this course handlers will have the opportunity to take the Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze Award assessment. 

Intermediates (working towards the Kennel Club Good Citizens Silver and Gold awards)

In addition we have a one hour 8pm class for dogs and handlers intended for those having KCGC Bronze Award and is aimed at building skills necessary to attempt the KCGC Silver or Gold Award in the case of those already having the Silver Award.

We insist that dogs have completed their first full vaccination programme at least 2 weeks before joining. On the first night you will need to bring with you:

Your dog’s vaccination record

Poo bags

Small treats