Farnham Dog Training Society 

We are grateful for the recent expressions of interest in learning the skills involved in becoming a dog training instructor and are pleased to say that a new trainee member will be joining our team in September. 

If you are interested in the possibility of becoming one of our volunteer trainers, please email FDTS at farnhamdogtraining@gmail.com . We will keep you advised as soon as a trainee vacancy becomes available.

After the summer holidays we will start our next set of ten Monday evening sessions on 9th September. There will be a 45 minute  Puppy Class starting at 6.00pm aimed at younger dogs aged between 14 weeks and up to 10 months old with an opportunity follow the Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Scheme.  A 45 minute Novice Class at 7.00pm  for dogs aged 10  months and over will offer the Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze assessment on completion. Finally, the Intermediate 60 minute class starting at 8pm will offer the Kennel Club Good Citizen Silver and Gold assessments to those having already achieved the Bronze and Silver awards respectively.  To express an interest and/or register for these classes, please email the Secretary at farnhamdogtraining@gmail.com .

Farnham Dog Training Society has been registered with the Kennel Club since 1961 and is a not for profit society run entirely by volunteers. We run courses on most Monday evenings during school terms at the Badshot Lea Village Hall 'The Kiln', Farnham, Surrey. The Kiln provides excellent facilities including a large hall, a foyer where we can offer extra help to individual dog owners and a safe outside area. They cost just £80 per ten week term, plus a £5 annual Society membership fee. Beginners courses from Monday 9th September 2024 are at 6.00pm (for young puppies) and 7pm. Dogs must be at least 14 weeks old and handlers 16 years old at the start of the sessions. 

For more information please email: farnhamdogtraining@gmail.com

Our latest video introducing the Society